Wikiquote:Kuvendi/Arkivi 3
Editing of sitewide CSS/JS is only possible for interface administrators from now
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Hi all,
as announced previously, permission handling for CSS/JS pages has changed: only members of the interface-admin
(Administratorët e ndërfaqes) group, and a few highly privileged global groups such as stewards, can edit CSS/JS pages that they do not own (that is, any page ending with .css or .js that is either in the MediaWiki: namespace or is another user's user subpage). This is done to improve the security of readers and editors of Wikimedia projects. More information is available at Creation of separate user group for editing sitewide CSS/JS. If you encounter any unexpected problems, please contact me or file a bug.
Tgr (talk) 27 gusht 2018 12:40 (UTC) (via global message delivery)
Përkthimi i përgjithshëm:
Rregullat kanë ndryshuar tashmë për arsye sigurie dhe interface i projekteve mund të ndryshohet vetem nga administratoret e posaçëm për atë punë, jo nga administratorët e përgjithshëm.
- Hello! Thanks for the notice! Our community is still a little small and most of the work is done solely by me right now (I'm the admin). Can I also request to become an interface admin? Where should that request be done since we don't have a local bureaucrat yet? - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 27 gusht 2018 21:03 (UTC)
- Klein Muçi, please use m:Steward_requests/Permissions#Interface_administrator_access. --Tgr (diskutimet) 31 gusht 2018 08:43 (UTC)
Read-only mode for up to an hour on 12 September and 10 October
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The Wikimedia Foundation will be testing its secondary data centre. This will make sure that Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis can stay online even after a disaster. To make sure everything is working, the Wikimedia Technology department needs to do a planned test. This test will show if they can reliably switch from one data centre to the other. It requires many teams to prepare for the test and to be available to fix any unexpected problems.
They will switch all traffic to the secondary data center on Wednesday, 12 September 2018. On Wednesday, 10 October 2018, they will switch back to the primary data center.
Unfortunately, because of some limitations in MediaWiki, all editing must stop when we switch. We apologize for this disruption, and we are working to minimize it in the future.
You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for a short period of time.
- You will not be able to edit for up to an hour on Wednesday, 12 September and Wednesday, 10 October. The test will start at 14:00 UTC (15:00 BST, 16:00 CEST, 10:00 EDT, 07:00 PDT, 23:00 JST, and in New Zealand at 02:00 NZST on Thursday 13 September and Thursday 11 October).
- If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.
Other effects:
- Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped. Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.
- There will be code freezes for the weeks of 10 September 2018 and 8 October 2018. Non-essential code deployments will not happen.
This project may be postponed if necessary. You can read the schedule at Any changes will be announced in the schedule. There will be more notifications about this. Please share this information with your community. /User:Johan(WMF) (talk)
6 shtator 2018 13:33 (UTC)
Përkthimi i përgjithshëm:
Me datë 12 shtator dhe 10 tetor do ketë prova të një qendre të re të dhënash për Wikimedia-n dhe për pasojë gjatë asaj kohe nuk mund të redaktohet për disa minuta. - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 21 shtator 2018 16:48 (UTC)
Editing News #2—2018
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Did you know?
Did you know that you can use the visual editor on a mobile device?

Tap on the pencil icon to start editing. The page will probably open in the wikitext editor.
You will see another pencil icon in the toolbar. Tap on that pencil icon to the switch between visual editing and wikitext editing.

Remember to publish your changes when you're done.
You can read and help translate the user guide, which has more information about how to use the visual editor.Since the last newsletter, the Editing Team has wrapped up most of their work on the 2017 wikitext editor and the visual diff tool. The team has begun investigating the needs of editors who use mobile devices. Their work board is available in Phabricator. Their current priorities are fixing bugs and improving mobile editing.
Recent changes
- The Editing team has published an initial report about mobile editing.
- The Editing team has begun a design study of visual editing on the mobile website. New editors have trouble doing basic tasks on a smartphone, such as adding links to Wikipedia articles. You can read the report.
- The Reading team is working on a separate mobile-based contributions project.
- The 2006 wikitext editor is no longer supported. If you used that toolbar, then you will no longer see any toolbar. You may choose another editing tool in your editing preferences, local gadgets, or beta features.
- The Editing team described the history and status of VisualEditor in this recorded public presentation (starting at 29 minutes, 30 seconds).
- The Language team released a new version of Content Translation (CX2) last month, on International Translation Day. It integrates the visual editor to support templates, tables, and images. It also produces better wikitext when the translated article is published. [1]
Let's work together
- The Editing team wants to improve visual editing on the mobile website. Please read their ideas and tell the team what you think would help editors who use the mobile site.
- The Community Wishlist Survey begins next week.
- If you aren't reading this in your preferred language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly. We will notify you when the next issue is ready for translation. Ju faleminderit!
2 nëntor 2018 14:17 (UTC)
Përkthim i përgjithshëm:
Përmirësime të reja vijnë në redaktorin pamor (visual editor) për të ndihmuar veçanërisht përdoruesit nga celularët. - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 4 nëntor 2018 04:54 (UTC)
Change coming to how certain templates will appear on the mobile web
Change coming to how certain templates will appear on the mobile web
Please help translate to your language

In a few weeks the Readers web team will be changing how some templates look on the mobile web site. We will make these templates more noticeable when viewing the article. We ask for your help in updating any templates that don't look correct.
What kind of templates? Specifically templates that notify readers and contributors about issues with the content of an article – the text and information in the article. Examples like Template:Unreferenced or Template:More citations needed. Right now these notifications are hidden behind a link under the title of an article. We will format templates like these (mostly those that use Template:Ambox or message box templates in general) to show a short summary under the page title. You can tap on the "Learn more" link to get more information.
For template editors we have some recommendations on how to make templates that are mobile-friendly and also further documentation on our work so far.
If you have questions about formatting templates for mobile, please leave a note on the project talk page or file a task in Phabricator and we will help you.
Ju faleminderit!
CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 13 nëntor 2018 19:35 (UTC)
Përkthim i përgjithshëm:
Do të ketë ndryshime se si stampa të caktuara paraqiten gjatë redaktimit nga celulari. - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 17 nëntor 2018 11:29 (UTC)
Community Wishlist Survey vote
The Community Wishlist Survey. Please help translate to your language.
Hey everyone,
The Community Wishlist Survey is the process when the Wikimedia communities decide what the Wikimedia Foundation Community Tech should work on over the next year.
The Community Tech team is focused on tools for experienced Wikimedia editors. The communities have now posted a long list of technical proposals. You can vote on the proposals from now until 30 November. You can read more on the wishlist survey page.
/User:Johan (WMF)22 nëntor 2018 18:13 (UTC)
Përkthim i përgjithshëm:
Bëhet një anketim për përzgjedhjen e projekteve më të nevojshme në lidhje me veglat e përdorura nga redaktorët me përvojë të Wikimedia-s. Mund të thoni idenë tuaj e të votoni te adresa e mësipërme deri me datë 30 nëntor 2018. - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 23 nëntor 2018 02:08 (UTC)
Advanced Search
Johanna Strodt (WMDE) (talk) 26 nëntor 2018 11:03 (UTC)
New Wikimedia password policy and requirements
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The Wikimedia Foundation security team is implementing a new password policy and requirements. You can learn more about the project on
These new requirements will apply to new accounts and privileged accounts. New accounts will be required to create a password with a minimum length of 8 characters. Privileged accounts will be prompted to update their password to one that is at least 10 characters in length.
These changes are planned to be in effect on December 13th. If you think your work or tools will be affected by this change, please let us know on the talk page.
Ju faleminderit!
CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 6 dhjetor 2018 20:03 (UTC)
Përkthim i përgjithshëm:
Sipas rregullit të ri që pritet të hyjë në fuqi me date 13 dhjetor 2018, fjalëkalimet e llogarive e përdoruesve normalë do kenë një limit minimal prej 8 simbolesh ndërsa ato të përdoruesve me privilegje të shtuara një limit minimal prej 10 simbolesh. - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 10 dhjetor 2018 04:07 (UTC)
Invitation from Wiki Loves Love 2019
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Love is an important subject for humanity and it is expressed in different cultures and regions in different ways across the world through different gestures, ceremonies, festivals and to document expression of this rich and beautiful emotion, we need your help so we can share and spread the depth of cultures that each region has, the best of how people of that region, celebrate love.
Wiki Loves Love (WLL) is an international photography competition of Wikimedia Commons with the subject love testimonials happening in the month of February.
The primary goal of the competition is to document love testimonials through human cultural diversity such as monuments, ceremonies, snapshot of tender gesture, and miscellaneous objects used as symbol of love; to illustrate articles in the worldwide free encyclopedia Wikipedia, and other Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) projects.
The theme of 2019 iteration is Celebrations, Festivals, Ceremonies and rituals of love.
Sign up your affiliate or individually at Participants page.
To know more about the contest, check out our Commons Page and FAQs
There are several prizes to grab. Hope to see you spreading love this February with Wiki Loves Love!
Kind regards,
Imagine... the sum of all love!
--MediaWiki message delivery (diskutimet) 27 dhjetor 2018 10:13 (UTC)
Përkthim i përgjithshëm:
Wiki Loves Love (Wiki e do dashurinë) është një konkurs fotografie që feston dashurinë në botë në forma të ndryshme shprehur në mënyra të ndryshme. Për të marrë pjesë shikoni adresat e mësipërme. - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 3 janar 2019 16:50 (UTC)
FileExporter beta feature

FileExporter ka qenë një funksion beta në, deWP, faWP, arWP, koWP dhe në Pas u shtuan disa funksionalitete, tani po bëhet një tipar beta në të gjitha wikit. Vendosja e këtij tipari në wiki është planifikuar për në 16 janar. Më shumë informacion mund të gjendet në faqen e projektit.
Si gjithmonë, mendimet tuaja janë të vlerësueshme. Nëse dëshironi të testoni FileExporter, ju lutemi aktivizojeni në preferencat e përdoruesit tuaj. Vendi më i mirë për reagime është faqja e diskutimit qendror. Faleminderit nga Projekti i Dëshirave Teknike, Wikimedia e Gjermanisë.
Johanna Strodt (WMDE) 14 janar 2019 09:41 (UTC)
No editing for 30 minutes on 17 January
16 janar 2019 18:54 (UTC)
Përkthim i përgjithshëm:
Për shkak të një problemi në bazën e të dhënave, me datë 17 janar s'do të mundemi të redaktojmë për 30 minuta. - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 17 janar 2019 07:57 (UTC)
Talk to us about talking

The Wikimedia Foundation is planning a global consultation about communication. The goal is to bring Wikimedians and wiki-minded people together to improve tools for communication.
We want all contributors to be able to talk to each other on the wikis, whatever their experience, their skills or their devices.
We are looking for input from as many different parts of the Wikimedia community as possible. It will come from multiple projects, in multiple languages, and with multiple perspectives.
We are currently planning the consultation. We need your help.
We need volunteers to help talk to their communities or user groups.
You can help by hosting a discussion at your wiki. Here's what to do:
- First, sign up your group here.
- Next, create a page (or a section on a Village pump, or an e-mail thread – whatever is natural for your group) to collect information from other people in your group. This is not a vote or decision-making discussion: we are just collecting feedback.
- Then ask people what they think about communication processes. We want to hear stories and other information about how people communicate with each other on and off wiki. Please consider asking these five questions:
- When you want to discuss a topic with your community, what tools work for you, and what problems block you?
- What about talk pages works for newcomers, and what blocks them?
- What do others struggle with in your community about talk pages?
- What do you wish you could do on talk pages, but can't due to the technical limitations?
- What are the important aspects of a "wiki discussion"?
- Finally, please go to Talk pages consultation 2019 on and report what you learned from your group. Please include links if the discussion is available to the public.
You can also help build the list of the many different ways people talk to each other.
Not all groups active on wikis or around wikis use the same way to discuss things: it can happen on wiki, on social networks, through external tools... Tell us how your group communicates.
You can read more about the overall process on If you have questions or ideas, you can leave feedback about the consultation process in the language you prefer.
Thank you! We're looking forward to talking with you.
Trizek (WMF) 21 shkurt 2019 15:01 (UTC)
Përkthim i përgjithshëm:
Wikimedia po punon për të përmirësuar mënyrën si diskutohet në projektet e saj. Nëse keni ndonjë ide a propozim, ju lutem, shikoni adresat e mësipërme. - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 24 shkurt 2019 12:12 (UTC)
Read-only mode for up to 30 minutes on 11 April
8 prill 2019 10:56 (UTC)
Përkthim i përgjithshëm: Më datë 11 prill 2019, për 30 minuta nuk do të mund të redaktoni. Kjo bëhet për të zgjidhur një problem me pajisjet që ka Wikimedia. - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 8 prill 2019 11:30 (UTC)
Mundësi importimi nga SqWiki
Wikimedia lejon mundësinë që të importohen faqe nga projekte të tjera Wiki. Kjo bëhet veçanërisht e nevojshme për stampat, të cilat zakonisht ruhen të gatshme në projekte e gjuhë të ndryshme. Nëse një praktikë e tillë do të ishte e mundur nuk do të na duhej të krijonim 2 herë qindra faqe nga fillimi, njëherë këtu, dhe njëherë në Wikipedia. Por që kjo mundësi të aktivizohet, kërkesa duhet bërë e shoqëruar me një votim te Fabrikatori, kështu që do të ju lutesha të votonit më poshtë dhe në Kuvendin e Wikipedia-s që kërkesa të aprovohet. - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 9 prill 2019 10:34 (UTC)
PRO — Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 9 prill 2019 10:34 (UTC)
PRO — Berishasinan (diskutimet) 9 prill 2019 10:52 (UTC)
PRO — Alva Mihaj (diskutimet) 9 prill 2019 12:52 (UTC)
PRO — Βατο (diskutimet) 11 prill 2019 20:02 (UTC)
Margott (diskutimet) 12 prill 2019 14:13 (UTC)
PRO — Besara1 (diskutimet) 12 prill 2019 22:26 (UTC)
Wikimedia Foundation Medium-Term Plan feedback request
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Përkthim i përgjithshëm: Fondacioni Wikimedia po planifikon ndryshime në strukturimin e projekteve Wiki gjatë kësaj dekade. Sugjerimet dhe idetë janë të mirëpritura te adresa e mësipërme në çfarëdolloj gjuhe deri me datë 20 prill 2019. - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 13 prill 2019 15:25 (UTC)
Editing News #1—July 2019
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Did you know?
Did you know that you can use the visual editor on a mobile device?
Every article has a pencil icon at the top. Tap on the pencil icon to start editing.
Edit Cards

This is what the new Edit Cards for editing links in the mobile visual editor look like. You can try the prototype here: 📲 Try Edit Cards.
Welcome back to the Editing newsletter.
Since the last newsletter, the team has released two new features for the mobile visual editor and has started developing three more. All of this work is part of the team's goal to make editing on mobile web simpler.
Before talking about the team's recent releases, we have a question for you:
Are you willing to try a new way to add and change links?
If you are interested, we would value your input! You can try this new link tool in the mobile visual editor on a separate wiki.
Follow these instructions and share your experience:
Recent releases
The mobile visual editor is a simpler editing tool, for smartphones and tablets using the mobile site. The Editing team recently launched two new features to improve the mobile visual editor:
- Section editing
- The purpose is to help contributors focus on their edits.
- The team studied this with an A/B test. This test showed that contributors who could use section editing were 1% more likely to publish the edits they started than people with only full-page editing.
- Loading overlay
- The purpose is to smooth the transition between reading and editing.
Section editing and the new loading overlay are now available to everyone using the mobile visual editor.
New and active projects
This is a list of our most active projects. Watch these pages to learn about project updates and to share your input on new designs, prototypes and research findings.
- Edit cards: This is a clearer way to add and edit links, citations, images, templates, etc. in articles. You can try this feature now. Go here to see how: 📲 Try Edit Cards.
- Mobile toolbar refresh: This project will learn if contributors are more successful when the editing tools are easier to recognize.
- Mobile visual editor availability: This A/B test asks: Are newer contributors more successful if they use the mobile visual editor? We are collaborating with 20 Wikipedias to answer this question.
- Usability improvements: This project will make the mobile visual editor easier to use. The goal is to let contributors stay focused on editing and to feel more confident in the editing tools.
Looking ahead
- Wikimania: Several members of the Editing Team will be attending Wikimania in August 2019. They will lead a session about mobile editing in the Community Growth space. Talk to the team about how editing can be improved.
- Talk Pages: In the coming months, the Editing Team will begin improving talk pages and communication on the wikis.
Learning more
The VisualEditor on mobile is a good place to learn more about the projects we are working on. The team wants to talk with you about anything related to editing. If you have something to say or ask, please leave a message at Talk:VisualEditor on mobile.
23 korrik 2019 20:32 (CEST)
Përkthim i përgjithshëm: Tashmë redaktimi nga celulari do të jetë më i shpejtë. Gjithashtu ofrohet redaktim i pjesëve specifike të artikujve. - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 8 gusht 2019 17:34 (CEST)
Zgjatime të reja
Aktivizimi i zgjatimeve SandboxLink dhe WikiLove pas aprovimit dhe provimit të tyre në Wikipedia-n shqip.
PRO - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 8 gusht 2019 17:38 (CEST)
PRO - Berishasinan (diskutimet) 8 gusht 2019 17:52 (CEST)
PRO - Alva Mihaj (diskutimet) 8 gusht 2019 17:51 (CEST)
PRO - Βατο (diskutimet) 8 gusht 2019 22:15 (CEST)
U krijua një proces pune te Fabrikatori për këtë. Mund të ndiqni zhvillimet në kohë reale këtu. - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 13 gusht 2019 06:53 (CEST)
U bë! - Të dy zgjatimet janë tashmë tërësisht të përshtatur dhe në gjendje pune. - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 28 gusht 2019 14:26 (CEST)
Update on the consultation about office actions
Hello all,
Last month, the Wikimedia Foundation's Trust & Safety team announced a future consultation about partial and/or temporary office actions. We want to let you know that the draft version of this consultation has now been posted on Meta.
This is a draft. It is not intended to be the consultation itself, which will be posted on Meta likely in early September. Please do not treat this draft as a consultation. Instead, we ask your assistance in forming the final language for the consultation.
For that end, we would like your input over the next couple of weeks about what questions the consultation should ask about partial and temporary Foundation office action bans and how it should be formatted. Please post it on the draft talk page. Our goal is to provide space for the community to discuss all the aspects of these office actions that need to be discussed, and we want to ensure with your feedback that the consultation is presented in the best way to encourage frank and constructive conversation.
Please visit the consultation draft on Meta-wiki and leave your comments on the draft’s talk page about what the consultation should look like and what questions it should ask.
Thank you for your input! -- The Trust & Safety team 16 gusht 2019 10:03 (CEST)
Përkthim i përgjithshëm: Po diskutohet në lidhje me përfshirjen e anëtarëve të punësuar të fondacionit në projekte dhe ndikimin e tyre aty. Gjithsekush është i mirëpritur t'i bashkohet këtyre diskutimeve në adresat e mësipërme. - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 22 gusht 2019 15:40 (CEST)
New tools and IP masking
Hey everyone,
The Wikimedia Foundation wants to work on two things that affect how we patrol changes and handle vandalism and harassment. We want to make the tools that are used to handle bad edits better. We also want to get better privacy for unregistered users so their IP addresses are no longer shown to everyone in the world. We would not hide IP addresses until we have better tools for patrolling.
We have an idea of what tools could be working better and how a more limited access to IP addresses would change things, but we need to hear from more wikis. You can read more about the project on Meta and post comments and feedback. Now is when we need to hear from you to be able to give you better tools to handle vandalism, spam and harassment.
You can post in your language if you can't write in English.
Johan (WMF)21 gusht 2019 16:18 (CEST)
Përkthim i përgjithshëm: Ndryshime në lidhje me veglat që përdoren për kontrollimin e ndryshimeve të reja dhe mënyrën se si shfaqen ndryshimet kur kryhen nga përdorues pa llogari. Po mendohet të gjendet një mënyrë që shmang shfaqjen e adresave IP në ato raste. Diskutimi vazhdon në adresën e mësipërm dhe secili mund të japë ide, qoftë dhe në gjuhën shqip, nëse nuk di anglisht. - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 22 gusht 2019 15:37 (CEST)
Zgjatim i ri në komunitet
Zgjatimi NewUserMessage lejon mikpritjen automatike për çdo përdorues të ri pa pasur nevojë për vendosjen e stampës në mënyrë manuale apo përdorimin e një roboti për atë gjë. Ju lutem, votoni më poshtë për aktivizimin e tij. - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 30 shtator 2019 05:04 (CEST)
PRO - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 30 shtator 2019 05:04 (CEST)
PRO – Βατο (diskutimet) 30 shtator 2019 15:58 (CEST)
PRO - Berishasinan (diskutimet) 30 shtator 2019 17:15 (CEST)
- Lajmëroj se është vendosur tashmë një kërkesë në lidhje me këtë te Fabrikatori. Mund të ndiqni zhvillimet në lidhje me të këtu. - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 3 tetor 2019 05:19 (CEST)
U bë! - Zgjatimi është tashmë në punë dhe plotësisht i përshtatur. - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 8 tetor 2019 16:31 (CEST)
The consultation on partial and temporary Foundation bans just started
In a recent statement, the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees requested that staff hold a consultation to "re-evaluat[e] or add community input to the two new office action policy tools (temporary and partial Foundation bans)".
Accordingly, the Foundation's Trust & Safety team invites all Wikimedians to join this consultation and give their feedback from 30 September to 30 October.
How can you help?
- Suggest how partial and temporary Foundation bans should be used, if they should (eg: On all projects, or only on a subset);
- Give ideas about how partial and temporary Foundation bans should ideally implemented, if they should be; and/or
- Propose changes to the existing Office Actions policy on partial and temporary bans.
We offer our thanks in advance for your contributions, and we hope to get as much input as possible from community members during this consultation!
-- Kbrown (WMF) 30 shtator 2019 19:14 (CEST)
Përkthim i përgjithshëm: Një diskutim po zhvillohet në lidhje me përjashtimet botërore të përkohshme nga të gjitha projektet Wiki. Për të dhënë mendimin tuaj se si duhen ushtruar këto përjashtime, shkoni në adresat e mësipërme. - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 4 tetor 2019 15:04 (CEST)
Feedback wanted on Desktop Improvements project
Please help translate to your language
Hello. The Readers Web team at the WMF will work on some improvements to the desktop interface over the next couple of years. The goal is to increase usability without removing any functionality. We have been inspired by changes made by volunteers, but that currently only exist as local gadgets and user scripts, prototypes, and volunteer-led skins. We would like to begin the process of bringing some of these changes into the default experience on all Wikimedia projects.
We are currently in the research stage of this project and are looking for ideas for improvements, as well as feedback on our current ideas and mockups. So far, we have performed interviews with community members at Wikimania. We have gathered lists of previous volunteer and WMF work in this area. We are examining possible technical approaches for such changes.
We would like individual feedback on the following:
- Identifying focus areas for the project we have not yet discovered
- Expanding the list of existing gadgets and user scripts that are related to providing a better desktop experience. If you can think of some of these from your wiki, please let us know
- Feedback on the ideas and mockups we have collected so far
We would also like to gather a list of wikis that would be interested in being test wikis for this project - these wikis would be the first to receive the updates once we’re ready to start building.
When giving feedback, please consider the following goals of the project:
- Make it easier for readers to focus on the content
- Provide easier access to everyday actions (e.g. search, language switching, editing)
- Put things in logical and useful places
- Increase consistency in the interface with other platforms - mobile web and the apps
- Eliminate clutter
- Plan for future growth
As well as the following constraints:
- Not touching the content - no work will be done in terms of styling templates or to the structure of page contents themselves
- Not removing any functionality - things might move around, but all navigational items and other functionality currently available by default will remain
- No drastic changes to the layout - we're taking an evolutionary approach to the changes and want the site to continue feeling familiar to readers and editors
Please give all feedback (in any language) at mw:Talk:Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements
After this round of feedback, we plan on building a prototype of suggested changes based on the feedback we receive. You’ll hear from us again asking for feedback on this prototype.
Ju faleminderit! Quiddity (WMF) (talk)
16 tetor 2019 09:15 (CEST)
Përkthim i përgjithshëm: Po fillohet puna për ndryshimin e ndërfaqes së ekranëve të kompjuterave në mënyrë që faqet e Mediawiki-t të shfaqen më mirë dhe të ofrojnë lehtësira e më shumë funksionalitet për përdoruesit e lexuesit e tyre. Mirëpriten sugjerime te adresa e mësipërme. - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 16 tetor 2019 14:40 (CEST)
Editing News #2 – Mobile editing and talk pages
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Inside this newsletter, the Editing team talks about their work on the mobile visual editor, on the new talk pages project, and at Wikimania 2019.
What talk page interactions do you remember? Is it a story about how someone helped you to learn something new? Is it a story about how someone helped you get involved in a group? Something else? Whatever your story is, we want to hear it!
Please tell us a story about how you used a talk page. Please share a link to a memorable discussion, or describe it on the talk page for this project. The team wants your examples. These examples will help everyone develop a shared understanding of what this project should support and encourage.
Talk pages project
The Talk Pages Consultation was a global consultation to define better tools for wiki communication. From February through June 2019, more than 500 volunteers on 20 wikis, across 15 languages and multiple projects, came together with members of the Foundation to create a product direction for a set of discussion tools. The Phase 2 Report of the Talk Page Consultation was published in August. It summarizes the product direction the team has started to work on, which you can read more about here: Talk Page Project project page.
The team needs and wants your help at this early stage. They are starting to develop the first idea. Please add your name to the "Getting involved" section of the project page, if you would like to hear about opportunities to participate.
Mobile visual editor
The Editing team is trying to make it simpler to edit on mobile devices. The team is changing the visual editor on mobile. If you have something to say about editing on a mobile device, please leave a message at Talk:VisualEditor on mobile.

- On 3 September, the Editing team released version 3 of Edit Cards. Anyone could use the new version in the mobile visual editor.
- There is an updated design on the Edit Card for adding and modifying links. There is also a new, combined workflow for editing a link's display text and target.
- Feedback: You can try the new Edit Cards by opening the mobile visual editor on a smartphone. Please post your feedback on the Edit cards talk page.

- In September, the Editing team updated the mobile visual editor's editing toolbar. Anyone could see these changes in the mobile visual editor.
- One toolbar: All of the editing tools are located in one toolbar. Previously, the toolbar changed when you clicked on different things.
- New navigation: The buttons for moving forward and backward in the edit flow have changed.
- Seamless switching: an improved workflow for switching between the visual and wikitext modes.
- Feedback: You can try the refreshed toolbar by opening the mobile VisualEditor on a smartphone. Please post your feedback on the Toolbar feedback talk page.
The Editing Team attended Wikimania 2019 in Sweden. They led a session on the mobile visual editor and a session on the new talk pages project. They tested two new features in the mobile visual editor with contributors. You can read more about what the team did and learned in the team's report on Wikimania 2019.
Looking ahead
- Talk Pages Project: The team is thinking about the first set of proposed changes. The team will be working with a few communities to pilot those changes. The best way to stay informed is by adding your username to the list on the project page: Getting involved.
- Testing the mobile visual editor as the default: The Editing team plans to post results before the end of the calendar year. The best way to stay informed is by adding the project page to your watchlist: VisualEditor as mobile default project page.
- Measuring the impact of Edit Cards: This study asks whether the project helped editors add links and citations. The Editing team hopes to share results in November. The best way to stay informed is by adding the project page to your watchlist: Edit Cards project page.
– PPelberg (WMF) (talk) & Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk)
29 tetor 2019 12:13 (CET)
Përkthim i përgjithshëm: Vazhdon puna për të sjellë një përvojë më të mirë me faqet diskutuese. Skuadra pas kësaj pune mirëpret ndihmën e sugjerimet tuaja. Gjithashtu vazhdon puna për të përmirësuar redaktimin nga celulari. Ndihma dhe përshtypjet janë sërish të mirëpritura. - Klein Muçi (diskutimet) 30 tetor 2019 03:43 (CET)
Community Wishlist 2020

The 2020 Community Wishlist Survey is now open! This survey is the process where communities decide what the Community Tech team should work on over the next year. We encourage everyone to submit proposals until the deadline on November 11, 2019, or comment on other proposals to help make them better.
This year, we’re exclusively focusing on smaller projects (i.e., Wikibooks, Wiktionary, Wikiquote, Wikisource, Wikiversity, Wikispecies, Wikivoyage, and Wikinews). We want to help these projects and provide meaningful improvements to diverse communities. If you’re a member of any of these projects, please participate in the survey! To submit proposals, see the guidelines on the survey page. You can write proposals in any language, and we will translate them for you. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing your proposals!